Track Your Transit

Real-Time Transit Tracking & Predictions

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Our Apps

The Selector App

The Selector

A comprehensive tracking app for buses and trains with real-time location updates and next vehicle predictions.

Perfect for daily commuters and enthusiasts, offering predictions for all major transit agencies.

Railview App


Your real-time map for tracking trains nationwide. See live locations, schedules, and routes for trains across the country.

Great for rail enthusiasts and travelers, offering detailed tracking information for Amtrak and other major train services.

SEPTA RR Tracker App

SEPTA RR Tracker App

Real-Time Updates

Track both buses and trains in real-time with GPS-based location data across multiple systems.

Multiple Transit Agencies

Access transit data from various systems, including major cities and national rail services like Amtrak.

User-Friendly Interface

Navigate our apps with ease. Get timely updates and accurate predictions with a design built for simplicity.